How To Overcome the Fear of Writing on LinkedIn Without Investing in Therapy

Originally posted 1-11-23 on Typeshare

If your palms get sweaty and your heart beats faster when you think about posting something on LinkedIn, you’re not alone. It affects nearly every non-digital native at first.

But not posting is a lousy option. Your profile will be lonely and you won’t meet as many of those perfect prospects as you could.

Here are a few tips to help you get started.

Reality is on your side. When you’re just getting started, very few people will actually see your post. You build viewership over time, and you’ll get better. So don't worry about it.

You’re the expert. Visitors come to LinkedIn to learn. Be yourself and write about what you know. Channel the confidence you have when you’re solving a problem for a client.

Perfection not required. Your English teacher isn’t reading your post. Focus on clearly communicating your idea. Stop worrying what others will think of you.

Talk your post. Some people are better at talking than writing. If that’s you, just record yourself and have it transcribed. I use

Start slow by commenting on others posts instead of writing your own. You'll realize that the sky didn't fall and you'll begin building a habit.

Start small. You don’t need a full blown article. Just get one idea across. Graphics and video not required.

And finally …

Just do it. Nothing helps you get over the fear of posting as fast as posting itself.


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