Why B2B Companies Must Pay More Attention to LinkedIn


B2B sales and marketing is going social. No shock there. But there is an interesting conflict.

  1. Multiple studies (Forrester, ComScore, etc) have shown us IT buyers prefer LinkedIn 2X more than any other major social network when it comes to reading content, learning about products and gaining insights to inform their buying decision.

  2. But B2B marketers tell us they use Twitter and Facebook more often (Marketingprofs) in lead generation attempts.

  3. And then they say that social is one of their least effective marketing channels.

Well, I say these marketers are fishing in the wrong pond.

If you - or anyone you know - still has doubts about whether or not LinkedIn has a massive effect on B2B buying decisions, have a look at this slide presentation: 


How LinkedIn Solves 4 New Account Sales Challenges


Why Your LinkedIn Profile May be Driving Prospects Away